Hello Members,
We would love to get more people to be a part of the “Augusta Remembers” documentary project by sharing your stories of growing up in Augusta. Perhaps there were certain events, experiences or people that helped shape your life that were especially memorable to you. Mark Albertin, a local documentary film producer, would like to interview older members of our Chinese community who grew up in Augusta on what it was like growing up in Augusta. Mr. Albertin is owner of Scrapbook Video Productions and has produced many documentaries revolving around the history of the CSRA and surrounding communities. Several of his films have aired on PBS. For more information on Mr. Albertin and the films he produces, his website is Scrapbookvideo.net. He produced a documentary titled “Augusta Remembers” years ago and is working on an updated version.
Contact Gary Tom ( gdtom@comcast.net )
or Danielle Moores ( dwongmoores@yahoo.com) for additional information.
Thank You,
Brenda Mealing
CCBA Secretary